HELP! My Child Is A Slave To Their Screen!

Screen time – it is a problem for a lot of us! But when it comes to our children it is something a lot of parents worry about. Whether it is the amount of time your child is spending looking at a screen or the content they are accessing, it can cause anxiety for many parents and children. As a child therapist in Worcestershire, I am hearing more and more about how parents want to reduce their children’s screen time, and there are often more complex issues involved which can make this a difficult task. Read on to find out more about how to tackle too much screen time.

Why are children spending so long looking at screens?

The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly contributed to increased screen time, and although phones and tablets have been a great way for children to stay connected with friends and keep up with their learning, it can sometimes be difficult to maintain boundaries. Children have been experiencing anxiety and frustration caused by the amount of time they are spending looking at screens.

One of the reasons children find it so difficult to limit their screen time is because of the dopamine (feel good chemical) that is released in their brain because of the excitement and rewards associated with games and social media. These are specifically designed to keep users engaged for as long as possible.

Sadly, spending more times on screens can cause children to miss out on other opportunities such as socialising in real life, getting outside in the fresh air, or doing other activities that they enjoy. The more of these opportunities that are missed, the more anxious children will feel about taking part in these opportunities in the future, which can lead to a vicious cycle.

Something I am hearing a lot about as an NLP therapist in Worcester is how parents are worried about the development of their children’s social skills and that their self-esteem is being affected negatively by too much screen time. NLP therapy is a powerful way of combatting these worries and improving children’s confidence and communication skills.

How do I tackle too much screen time?

 One of the best ways that parents in Worcester can tackle too much screen time is to model the behaviour they wish to see in their children. The fast pace of our lives today can make this difficult, as we are constantly looking for ways to make our lives more convenient, and phones/devices are often a huge part of this. However you could try setting some boundaries for the whole family, such as no screens during meal times and/or for an hour before bed time. You may find that this is a challenge for yourself!

You may find that if you try and go “cold turkey” and switch everything off at once, that this can lead to frustration and meltdowns/shut downs from your child. It may be better to introduce the boundaries gradually, so that it is not overwhelming.

One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given as a parent was that distractions are the best thing for tackling toddler meltdowns – and this is so true even for older children/adults! I even use this advice on myself if I am feeling overwhelmed! So if you are considering reducing your child’s screen time – be sure to have plenty of fun activities to keep them occupied and take their mind off it. Get out in the fresh air as much as possible – they will be amazed at how good this makes them feel and there are so many beautiful parts of Worcester to explore.

What can too much screen time lead to?

The negative effects of too much screen time can vary from person to person, but common problems include :

  • Too little/interrupted sleep
  • Irritability – (Gaming releases dopamine in the brain – when the game stops so does the dopamine, and this is what can make gaming/social media addictive.)
  • Poor decision making
  • Can trigger aggressive behaviour

If you feel your child needs support with any of these issues, then contact Worcester Child Therapy to see how NLP therapy can help.

Email:             Telephone: 07794 020471

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